Laser Hair Removal

 Laser hair removal seems to be all the rave lately but is it all it's hyped up to be? It promises to "permanently reduce hair growth" for a long stable period of time, however it will not result in permanent hair removal. So what does that mean? With each treatment you will see a reduction in the amount of hair that grows back. You will also see the hair that's left is now thin and light very similar to peach fuzz.

How does it work? Laser hair removal selectively heats dark matter such as melanin (gives your skin and hair color) and damages the follicle preventing further growth. It's quick, easy and produces fabulous results. Some may say it's relatively painless but others may disagree. "It feels like a little snap from a rubber band." If you're close to your menstrual cycle you may want to wait as you are more prone to sensitivity during the treatment.

Less then two years ago Claudia changed my life with laser hair removal. My underarms haven't been shaved in 4 weeks and it's the best thing I've ever done for myself. I highly suggest it for places that commonly get ingrown hairs or have a shadow like underarms and bikini. Not only will you be left with very little peach fuzz but you will never see that dark shadow again.

Claudia offers complimentary laser hair treatment consults and patch tests. If you're nervous because you have sensitive skin or may not be a good match for IPL (Intense Pulse Light) treatments then I highly suggest you speak with Claudia. She has a wonderful way of treating each individual clients needs with amazing personal care.

Mention this blog and receive 20% off your purchase of a laser hair removal package.  
