Two Brides Are Better Than One!

June 24th was an exciting day for a lot of people in New York. It was particularly exciting for me, not just because same-sex marriage was legalized, but also because the woman I am very much in love with was on a plane on her way to see me after 3 ½ months of separation. We had just met, months before, in Australia while I was there on vacation. Some may call it crazy and some may say it’s meant to be, but I knew well before her plane touched down that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. This victory makes it feel possible. Now, WE ARE ENGAGED!

Unfortunately the Marriage Equality Act does not help my fiancée gain citizenship but it does give us hope and that certainly won’t stop us from celebrating and throwing a kick ass wedding!

I’ve been using my down time (which there isn’t much of these days!) at the salon looking for wedding dresses and ideas and swapping photos through Pinterest with, Freya, my fiancée. Like this..

rainbow wedding

There is so much to think about! Working at Bloom, I am definitely not a stranger to weddings and all the preparation that, brides in particular, go through. I have two brides to think about!

With that in mind, we all realized that many couples, many of who may have thought they would never get the luxury of having a wedding, will now be going through this same arduous (and exciting) process of planning. Whether you be two brides or two grooms, WE WANT TO HELP!

Bloom wants to celebrate this amazing win with New York! Plus I’m really excited to see all the rainbow wedding ideas that come through!

Yay for big gay weddings!

We are putting together salon packages, bursting with pride, to help make your wedding day even MORE special. Hair, makeup, facials, hair removal – you name it, we do it. Stay tuned!

<3 Marissa